The Primary Department of KNES is delighted to welcome you to
our website, which provides an insight into life at our school. We provide our
pupils with a good quality education in a warm and friendly, family atmosphere.
The caring ethos which permeates all aspects of school life promotes pupils’
personal development well and ensures they feel safe, secure and valued as
The staff is committed to provide a quality educational
program that meets the needs of individual pupils in a safe environment where
achievement is recognized and celebrated, staff collaboration is on-going and
purposeful, and where a strong home, school and community partnership exists in
order to ensure that all pupils develop into respectful, self-confident and
responsible citizens.
The curriculum offered is the National Curriculum in England.
It is pupil-centred. It identifies three primary aims of primary education:
- to
enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her
potential as a unique individual.
- to
enable the child to develop as a social being through living and
co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society.
- to
prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning.
Although we feel Literacy, Numeracy and Science are
important, our curriculum is broad and stimulating, including specialist
teaching in French, Music, ICT, Art and Physical Education. Our well-equipped
classrooms provide a stimulating learning environment. Our aim is to educate
the whole child through a rich curriculum with many stimuli in order to support
an atmosphere of life-long learning. We value the broad and balanced curriculum
which our staff offers and all children are able to access not only academic
but creative and physical areas of the National Curriculum fully, so that they
receive the highest standard of education.
In addition, we also offer a range of after school clubs
daily offering hour-long sessions in Sports, Spanish, French, and Art and
Enrichment clubs in the core subjects (English and Maths). To help working
parents, we offer the services of school buses which run before and after
school making pick-ups and drop-offs along the route to various destinations.
We hope that you enjoy visiting our website. Please feel free
to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Head of Primary
