Admission Details
Why Choose Kuwait National English School
Kuwait National English School is a Top Tier private
International School in Kuwait catering to children of all Nationalities and
Culutral backgrounds. The school is the most accredited school in the country
and therefore the most Internationally recognized school in
Kuwait, it is also the only member of the UNESCO Associated
Schools Project. KNES is accredited by BSO (British Schools
Overseas), CIS (Council of International Schools), NEASC (New
England Association of Schools and Colleges), BSME (British
Schools of the Middle East) and COBIS (Council of British International Schools) these International recognized bodies guarantee
that your child will receive the best standards of British and International
Kuwait National English School has as its motto
"Striving for Excellence", this means that the school is dedicated to
always be moving forward to, improving teaching and learning, ensuring that
International and British educational Standards are met and exceeded. The
school aims to ensure that children are safe and well cared for while learning
to be responsible citizens of an International Community.
Kuwait National English School also provides the best value
education for money in the country. The school is a not for profit school which
provides small class sizes and reasonable tuition in order that our families
receive the best support without paying the exorbitant fees charged by other
schools in Kuwait.
Here are some comments from International Accrediting Teams
over the past two years:
- “Good
learning is the norm as a result of good teaching and interesting
- “Students’
attitudes, behaviour, personal development and their spiritual, moral,
socialand cultural development are excellent.”
- “The
highly effective use of the accommodation results in the school offering a
good, broad and balanced curriculum: this meets the needs of students and
prepares them well for the next stage of their education.”
- “There
is a high level of student contribution and active participation in most
lessons, particularly in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage
- “The
care, guidance and support given to students, is a strength of the school.
The culture and ethos of the school is supported by appropriate policies
and procedures which ensure a safe and caring environment.”
- “The
school is well resourced.”
- “The
quality of relationships between students and teachers, and the students
themselves, show genuine concern for the needs of others.”
- “Good
facilities and a clean, tidy campus. The gymnasium. swimming pool and
auditorium facilities are excellent."
- “Parents
are kept fully informed of their child’s progress as a result of regular
and informative reports. They hold the school in high regard.”
- “The
Guiding Statements demonstrate the school’s commitment to high quality
education for students, local culture and language and global
- "Health
and safety of students are a priority"
- "The
impact of the focus on phonics and language development in the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a strength"
- "
The drive and ambition of the Director for continuing school improvment
and the staff's commitment to this is a strength"
- "Students
are well motivated and keen to learn in all areas of the school."
- "The
school demonstrates a commitment to British education initiatives, both in
terms of curriculum and assessment. There is a clear commitment to a broad
and balanced curriculum, supported by extra-curricular activities."

Policy Statement
It is our intention to make our setting accessible to
children and families from all sections of the local and International
community. We aim to ensure that all members of the community have access to
the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures. As we
prepare our students for Global Citizenship we must first ensure we provide the
- We
make attempts to ensure advertisement of the school reaches a wide
audience of persons from a varied background.
- We
ensure that information about our setting is accessible, in written and
spoken form.
- We
ensure that the information necessary to families is available in both English
and Arabic.
- We
ensure our setting and its practices are presented in terms that make it
clear that it welcomes both fathers and mothers as active educational
- We
describe our setting and its practices in terms of how it treats each
child and their family, having regard to their needs arising from their
gender, special educational needs, disabilities, social background,
religion, ethnicity or from English being a newly acquired additional
- We
monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the group to
ensure that our intake is representative of social diversity.
- We
make our Equal Opportunities Policy widely known.
- We
consult with families about the opening times of the setting to ensure we
accommodate a broad range of family need.