
Yr 1 & trip to the Geographic Exploer Center
KS1 went on a fieldtrip to the
National Geographics. The students found the activities exciting as they experienced
touching and feeding live animals (e.g. snakes, tortoises and birds). The simulated activities like the space and
boat travels afforded the children to experience and explore worlds they have
never been to physically. These lines
were continuously long, and children waited patiently for their turn.
Many children relished in the
sand while others joined the general knowledge section where a short quiz
awaited them. For those who had a lot of energy, they found racing imaginary
animals (basically the shadows) of animals exhilarating. Smaller children
enjoyed the climbing and slide that the place offered. For our art lovers, wall climbers and
exercise enthusiasts, they were all covered with activities that left them
exhausted at the end of the day. Face
painting was popular and children just falling off the wall just to plunge in a
pool of soft balls gave them such pleasure.
The children returned tired
after taking their lunches and reaching the peak of enjoyment.