
Secondary Graduation 2024

30 May 2024

Kuwait National English School

Celebrating Secondary Graduation, Class of 2024

Kuwait National English School celebrated the Class of 2024 on Thursday, May 30th by hosting the Secondary Graduation Ceremony. This milestone marks the culmination of years of dedication, hard work, and personal growth. Our graduates were honored and the event reflected on their journey in the school. H.E. Mrs. Belinda Lewis, His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Kuwait was the guest of Honour. Other notable attendees were Madame Chantal Al Gharabally (Co-chair), Mr. Meshari Al Gharabally (General Director), Mr. Mohammad Kullab (a former long serving member of staff).

Hassan Al Essa (Head Boy) along with Farah Bassal (Head Girl) and Cedra Kourani (Prefect) spoke eloquently about their experiences at Kuwait National English School. Ali Al Najjar representing our alumni delivered a brilliant message highlighting his journey at Kuwait National English School and thanking the school for its contributions towards enabling students to build their personalities. The school co-chair Madame Chantal Al Gharabally addressed the gathering of parents, staff, students, and the graduates and stressed the school’s commitment to delivering quality education. H.E. Mrs. Belinda Lewis, His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Kuwait also addressed the gathering and wished our graduates a bright future.

In addition to the certificates and diplomas awarded to the graduating students, various special and prestigious awards were handed out as well, to deserving students. Some of these awards included the Gold/Silver/Bronze Awards from the United Kingdom Mathematics Challenge 2023/2024 and the ECIS Award for International Understanding. The Student of the Year 2024 was awarded to Hassan Abdulkarim Al Essa.

The Graduation ceremony concluded with the traditional cutting of the “Class 2024 Graduation Cake” by the Head Boy, Head Girl, School Prefect, Co-Chair, General Director and Guest of Honour. To end the evening, cake, chocolate and sweets were served to everybody in a very friendly and chic atmosphere in the Al Farabi Theatre of Kuwait National English School.

The Class of 2024 has navigated an extraordinary path. From their first day as eager new students to becoming confident and accomplished young adults, these graduates have demonstrated remarkable resilience and perseverance. Their academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and community contributions have set them apart. They have excelled in a wide range of academic disciplines, showcasing their talents in science, technology, mathematics, literature, Debates, entrepreneurship, and art. They have embraced challenges, pursued knowledge with passion, and achieved outstanding results. Their dedication to learning has not only prepared them for higher education and future careers but also instilled in them a lifelong love of learning.


As the Class of 2024 steps into the future, we are filled with pride and optimism. Whether they are heading to universities, or embarking on career paths, we are confident that they will continue to achieve great things. They are well-equipped with the skills, knowledge, and values needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world and to make meaningful contributions to society.


Congratulations, Class of 2024!