
COBIS Conference "Louder than Words!" 2024

12 May 2024

KNES School General Director, Mr. Meshari Al Gharabally recently joined other school leaders from around the globe as they explored wellbeing and sustainability as part of the 42nd annual COBIS (Council of British International Schools) conference.

The Council of British International Schools conference took place from May 11-13 in London, welcoming heads, governors, proprietors and senior and middle leaders from schools around the world.

The conference theme was “Louder than words”, an idea chosen with a view of challenging participants to explore and commit to meaningful action and practical steps to move the sector forward on education redesign, wellbeing, sustainability and more.

As part of this, international sustainability organisation Forum for the Future challenged delegates to consider their role as key enablers of transformation, as well as the current goals of the education system in creating a just and regenerative future.

“One of the bright sparks you have is that there is a generation coming through for which this agenda is critical,” stated Sally Uren, chief executive at Forum for the Future.

“Hold on to the positives,” she reminded educators in the room – many of whom were vocal throughout the conference about their ambitions to drive change and shift mindsets of those they teach and lead.

The conference was an opportunity for international school leaders to come together to discuss the challenges they face both professionally and personally, and share solutions with one another.

Work life balance proved the top personal challenge according to recent research shared by the Council of International Schools.

Meanwhile, the pandemic was signalled to be the biggest professional challenge for international school leaders.

Delegates shared evolving and increasing demands and expectations of students’ parents, as well as staff retention and recruitment.

Mr. Meshari was able to bring back to the school community ideas and solutions shared by some of the best British Schools around the world and support for KNES to continue to lead British Education in Kuwait!