
Outstanding Scholastic Award Ceremony May 2024

12 May 2024

Re:    Outstanding Scholastic Award Ceremony, COBIS Student Achievement Awards 2024,

UK Mathematics Challenge 2024 winners, GUST 10th Mathematics Competition, Robotic Fair winners

& BSME Swimming championship (Dubai, May 09, 2024).


Dear Secondary parents,

As we commence the third term of this academic year, I want to write and share some updates on different aspects of our school life with you.


Outstanding Scholastic Award Ceremony:

Our third term started with our traditional outstanding Scholastic Award Ceremony filled with pride and celebration of student accomplishments. We are always focused on our pupil’s academic as well as non-academic abilities. We are very proud of all of our students and their successes. Students received the following awards:


v  Outstanding KNES Academic Achievement: After the analysis of the Second Term Examination Results (April 2024), the following students achieved the highest academic averages and were rewarded:

Year 7: Yara AL Sawas, Jelnar Hana & Hamad Abul.

Year 8: Salma Abdel Khader, Shery Mikhael & Talin Al Zouhairy

Year 9: Issam Rabi El Halbouni, Mohamad El Eit & Jouri Rassas.

Year 10: Kenan Al Chater, Mohamed El Heshary & Sultan Hassan Ali.




v  COBIS (Council of British International Schools) Student Achievement Awards 2024:

Faisal Fahad Al Mesbah - Outstanding effort & Hassan Al Essa - Significant contribution to the wider life of the school.


v  United Kingdom Mathematics Challenge 2024 winners (Gold, Silver & Bronze):

Year 7 winners:  Hamad Abul (Bronze) & Ahmed Mahmoud (Bronze).

Year 8 winners:  Adam Taha (Gold), Salma Abdel Khader (Gold), Talin Al Zouhairy (Gold) & Mohammad Dehdarooni (Gold)

Layan Atieh (Silver), Yara Salman (Silver), Salem Al Enezi (Silver) & Badreyah Al Shati (Silver).

Amr Al Ghawalby (Bronze), Fuad Al Naimy (Bronze), Haya Farhan (Bronze) & Sheryl Mikhael (Bronze).

Year 9 winners:  Issam El Halbouni (GoldBiY), Ali Charfeddin (Silver) & Moatasim Billah Mahfoudhi (Bronze).

       Year 10 winners:Sultan Ali Hassan Ali (GoldBiY) & Zaid Murad (GoldBiY).

      Kenan Al Chater (Silver), Faisal Al Enezi (Silver), Mohamed El Heshary (Silver) &         Abderrahman                     Mahfoudhi (Silver) 

     Adam Abdelghany (Bronze), Faisal Al Mesbah (Bronze), Ahmad Al Sairafi (Bronze), Bailasan Al Taleb     (Bronze),  Mohammad Dousideh (Bronze), Amal El Sayed (Bronze), Shahd El Yamany (Bronze) & Talin     Radwan (Bronze).


v  Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) 10th Mathematics Competition (March 09, 2024):

The winners are: Sultan Hassan Ali, Talin Radwan, Kenan Al Chater & Mohamed Al Heshary


v  Robotic Fair winners: Talin Al Zuhairy (Y8), Salma Abdelkhader (Y8), Shahad Hesham (Y10) & Talin Radwan (Y10).


v BSME Swimming championship (Dubai, May 09, 2024):

Ahmed Abdulsalam Kabbani (Y9) - Best place in the BSME Swimming Championship Dubai (May 09, 2024)



External Examinations (IGCSE, GCSE, GCE, AS & A level) from the United Kingdom: Our senior students are presently sitting their formal external examinations. To date every student has demonstrated excellence and commitment during this challenging process. Well done and keep it up! We will be celebrating their Educational journey at the Secondary graduation on May 30, 2024 in the presence of the British Ambassador to Kuwait. The entire staff body and I are looking forward to this rewarding ceremony.


Internal Third Term Examination (June 2024):  Our secondary students will soon be sitting their third Term Examinations. The session will start on Sunday June 02, 2024 and end on Thursday June 06, 2024. The Examination time table will be available on May 15, 2024. Clearly this is an important part of achieving the success for which we collectively strive.


Future events: Field trips - Year 7 students (May 14, 2024) and Year 8 & 9 students (May 16, 2024) will be going to the Scientific Centre (Aquarium and Imax).


Our pupils have learned much and shared experiences that will remain in their hearts for years to come. The passion and strength within our community makes our school truly a special place. Let us together, keep on making it a wonderful journey for our pupils.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Raouf Khodabocus, BSc, MSc, PhD, FCIC (Canada). Assistant General Dir