
Musaed Al-Azmi Memorial Quran Competition 2024

25 Apr 2024

Musaed Al Azmi

14/05/2009 – 15/10/2021

In Memory of a past student, Musaed Al Azmi, his family sponsored a Holy Quran Reading Competition. Students from every section of the school were able to participate and awards and gifts provided by the Al Azmi family were presented to the winning competitors.

Musaed Al Azmi made a strong impact on every one he knew for his kindness and his ability to succeed and overcome adversity. Musaed also showed a wonderful sense of humor and kindness with everyone he came in contact with.  He is strongly missed and will never be forgotten!

KNES joins Musaed’s family in celebrating his memory and his all too short life. The Quran reading competition is a wonderful way for Musaed to live on in our hearts and memory!