
Year 9 Option Night (Online) Feb 6th -10th 2022

30 Jan 2022

Re: Year 9 Options Week (February 06, 2022 – February 10, 2022)


What are IGCSE Options?

This year, you child will have some important decisions to make. He/she will be asked to choose which subjects he/she wish to take for the IGCSEs, starting in Year 10.  He/she will then spend 2 years studying these subjects until the end of Year 11. The Year 9 Option process will start on February 01, 2022 and end on February 10, 2022.


During the second week of February (February 06, 2022 – February 10, 2022) we will be speaking to Year 9 students about the Options process for the next academic year 2022/2023. They will also be given an information booklet about the courses which will be offered and an explanation on how to make their choices.


In order to keep you fully informed about the Options process, some of our experienced secondary staff would be inviting you to attend an online meeting on Microsoft Team during the second week of February 2022 at a scheduled time to give you information about the curriculum in Key Stage 4.


This is a crucial event for you to attend preferably with your son/daughter, to understand the opportunities that will be offered.


We do hope that you will be able to attend the online meeting and look forward to seeing you at the scheduled meeting time.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Raouf Khodabocus, BSc, MSc, PhD, FCIC (Canada)

Assistant General Director

Kuwait National English School

Hawally, State of Kuwait

 Tel: +96522656904/5/6