Celebrating Student Success in Secondary
National English School – secondary Department
Success of Secondary Students
Well done to all our star achievers. Keep up
the good work.
Analysis of Year 7 First
Term Examination December 2021:
Y07A (3579) EL HALBOUNI, Issam (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 96%) A*
Y07A (2263) ELGOUHARI, Retal (Dec. 2021 Exams:
Average 92%) A* Rank 2nd
Y07B (2314) MASSOUD, Daniel (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 91%) A* Rank: 3rd
Analysis of Year 8 First
Term Examination December 2021
(Y08A) (2037) AL
CHATER Kenan (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 93.2%) A*Rank 1st
(Y08A) (4455) EL
HESHARY, Mohamed (Dec. 2021 Exams:
Average 93.0 %) A*Rank 2nd
(Y08A) (1806) EL
SAYED, Amal (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 91.5%) A* Rank 3rd
Analysis of Year 9 First
Term Examination December 2021:
(3010) BASSAL Farah (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 93%) A* Rank 1st
(3513) EL SAYED Mohamad (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 93%) A* Rank 2nd
Y09A (1418) HASSAN Layan (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average 93%) A* Rank 3rd
Analysis of Year 10 First
Term Examination December 2021:
Analysis of Year 11 First
Term Examination December 2021:
(Y11A) (1508) DABOUL Basheer Bashar (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average: 92%) Rank:
(Y11A) (2784) YOUSEF Jana Yousef (Dec. 2021 Exams: Average:87%) Rank: 2nd
(Y11A) (1024) BAJWA, Araiz
2021 Exams: Average:87%) Rank:
Kuwait National English
School – secondary Department (P.E.)
Tournament Report - (First Week 9 Jan,2022)
Basketball and football tournament matches started on Sunday 9 Jan 2022.
It was enthusiastic and strong by the students to insist on winning and
8A won against year 9B boys/girls’ team in basketball with a high score 8-1.
7B team also won against year 8B in the same competition.
In a football competition year 11A won against year 10 team
with a great score 4-0
while year 12 drew with year 11B after a strong match from the teams.
from Secondary staff to all the star achievers.